Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque was founded in 1931 as the non-profit, social service arm of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. Since then, the organization has continuously evolved to respond to the ever-changing needs of people in its communities. Through these changes, Catholic Charities remains a leader in providing direct social services.
People of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome at Catholic Charities.
The mission of Catholic Charities is to reduce poverty, strengthen families, and empower communities in the 30 most northeast counties of Iowa. Our mission is deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching.
Through our partnerships with parishes and communities, we respond to changing social needs and provide help and create hope for the most vulnerable populations.
People can recover, reclaim, and transform their lives.
All people have unique strengths.
Every person deserves a warm, safe, and affordable place to call home.
Family is the foundational structure of society and must be supported.
The community provides a key to helping people achieve well-being.
All people should have access to affordable health care, jobs that pay a livable wage, and economic security to plan for the future.
Catholic Charities immigration attorneys provide legal services in an affordable and cost-effective way to assist in reuniting families, helping them navigate the immigration system, and advocating on their behalf. Catholic Charities helps with the processes of adjustment of status (green card), citizenship, visas for family members, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), the law on violence against women (VAWA), and other humanitarian or family-based requests.
Catholic Charities immigration attorneys provide FREE legal consultations. Immigration legal services are offered at our offices in Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, and Waterloo.
For immigration legal assistance or to learn more, contact 319-364-7121.
Mental Health Therapy Services are offered at our offices in Ames, Cedar Rapids, Decorah, Dubuque, and Waterloo. Hours are different at each location. Afternoon appointments can be scheduled. To speak to a therapist or to schedule an appointment, please call the central number: 800-772-2758.
Inspired by the belief that marriage and families are the basis of the social structure, Catholic Charities provides professional therapy for couples, families, and individuals who are experiencing social, emotional, and interpersonal difficulties. The option to use insurance or pay according to a proportional scale makes therapy affordable for anyone who needs it.
Todas las terapeutas son profesionales autorizadas con títulos de maestría y los servicios están disponibles para cualquiera sin importar su religión ni su condición social o económica. A menudo, grandes problemas pueden ser evitados a través de una intervención a tiempo y por encontrar nuevas formas de lidiar con las dificultades diarias. La terapia proporciona a los individuos, parejas y familias la capacidad de arreglar los problemas antes de que se conviertan en una crisis y les ayuda a mantener la salud emocional y a fortalecer sus relaciones.
Una vivienda asequible es una de las necesidades básicas de las que Caridades Católicas está comprometida a seguir apoyando. Caridades Católicas posee y gestiona propiedades seguras y asequibles para las familias con ingresos limitados, y los mayores y los adultos con discapacidades en Dubuque, Maquoketa y Waterloo:
Ecumenical Tower—Ubicada en el centro de Dubuque, es un complejo de apartamentos con 88 unidades para personas mayores y personas con discapacidades
Kennedy Park West—Ubicada en el oeste de Dubuque, es un complejo de apartamentos para individuos y familias, cuenta con 72 unidades con 1-3 habitaciones en cada una
Carter Plaza—Ubicada en el oeste de Dubuque, ofrece ocho unidades hechas para familias
Alabar Plaza—Ubicada en Waterloo, la propiedad tiene 12 unidades y queda cerca de escuelas, parques y centros comerciales
Heartland East—Ubicada en Maquoketa, es un complejo de 3 edificios que consiste en 17 apartamentos con una habitación y 11 apartamentos con dos habitaciones
A menudo, los individuos liberados de la cárcel o la prisión regresan a sus comunidades sin empleo, vivienda, o un sistema de apoyo y tienen que sobrepasar las dificultades sociales y psicológicas que resultan del encarcelamiento. Estos individuos pueden ser de los más vulnerables en nuestra sociedad.
Through a large network of mentors and support groups, the Catholic Charities Jail and Prison Ministry program supports previously incarcerated individuals as they seek to achieve a positive re-entry into family and community life. Program Coordinators and volunteer mentors meet with participants to provide the necessary support to avoid a relapse into previous habits. The program helps participants build positive relationships, experience healthy social activities, and connect with community resources that can help them find affordable jobs and housing, as well as meet their basic needs.
The Jail and Prison Ministry is available throughout the Archdiocese, with Regional Coordinators in Ames, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Marshalltown, Mason City, rural areas in Northeast Iowa, and Waterloo.
To learn more about this program, contact: Deacon Bill Hickson, Coordinator of the Jail and Prison Ministry at 563-588-0558 or DB